OK! If you wanted a Cominolli Safety, you just missed one… I sold my personal Glock 34 with a Cominolli Safety, plus the original Glock Marksman Barrel, AND a ZEV Technologies Optimized match barrel. It was for sale on GunBroker, but sold here first.

(UPDATE 11/1/2024 – no change in the status of these kits)
I have spoken to Mr. Cominolli regarding restock orders and he had no further information, and wasn’t really forthcoming with any additional information. He did say he still intends to produce these kits. So… I have no other information to add. I will say this… I saved my last kit for spare parts for my own Glocks. Not sure what the future may bring with these safeties.
I always keep my website up to date. If I get any kits, or learn any additional information, it will be posted here immediately. Please check back HERE from time to time. That’s all I can offer at this time. Thanks.

This Manual Safety Kit (MSK) for Glock® helps prevent negligent discharges by adding a manually engaged safety lever, as an extra level of security and safety. The MSK blocks the trigger movement, yet allows the slide to be cycled and the pistol loaded or unloaded with the safety on. It operates easily with your right-hand thumb via an easy to engage contact pad, yet won’t interfere with holster fit. All the standard Glock passive safeties continue to function normally.
The MSK contains a replacement trigger housing, the safety lever with a black thumb pad, a detent pressure plate, spring and trigger bar guide. Fits all Gen 3 & 4 models. (Glock 36 is a special order item. All other kits are in stock.
NOTE: This kit is NOT intended to be installed by Do-It-Yourselfers. Installation involves a small but precise cut to made in the side of the frame.
SPECS: Thumb Safety – Plastic trigger housing, black. Steel parts, black thumb pad. Pad – ½” (12.7mm) long, ¼” (6.35mm) wide.
PRICE: Total cost for you will be $140.00 parts and labor, plus $15.00 for return shipping via priority USPS, including insurance, etc. All you need to send in, is your lower unit without the magazine. Since it is only gun parts you can send it by US Mail, UPS Ground, or Fed Ex Ground.


FAQs: For those that want to buy just parts from me, without installation, the price is still $140.00 for parts, plus $15.00 for shipping via priority USPS, including insurance. Obviously, I do not want to sell just the kit, nor will I install customer supplied parts. Also, I do not sell the jig needed to make the frame cut.
Discounts are offered on FIVE or more frames. Turn around time is normally 24 hours. I do not do “while you wait” installations.
I have spoken with Mr. Cominolli personally. He has told me there WILL NOT be any Glock 42, 43, or Gen 5 kits produced… ever…
NOTE: A gentleman called me a couple days ago, to inform me that I was incorrect about there never being any Gen 5 Cominolli kits made. In fact, the gentleman told me that he had some installed and working… I have never seen one, and as I stated in the paragraph above, Mr. Cominolli told me personally that they will never be made. Dunno. I’m gonna stand on what I was told by the man himself, until I actually see one installed and working. The gentleman also said Mr. Cominolli was very sick, so I am estimating that his company will most likely never be actively be providing these kits again .

SHIPPING: Bring it to me (by appointment) if you are local, or send your receiver only to:
RF’s Firearms
248 West Valley Drive
Russellville, KY 42276
I do not do “while you wait” installations. Turn around time is normally 24 hours.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: We believe a safe firearm is as important as your 2nd Amendment right to own one. The manual safety for your Glock pistol is a simple device which, when added to your pistol will help prevent negligent discharges and give you an added margin in safety. It is ergonomically designed and located, has positive engagement and disengagement, and is constantly being improved.
The safety has no effect on factory function, trigger pull or internal working of your Glock. With the manual safety engaged, all Glock passive safeties are locked in place. Your Glock can be loaded and unloaded with manual safety engaged, thus diminishing the chance of a negligent discharge. It is made of long wearing, properly heat treated, stainless steel parts, and has a flat black tactical finish.
MODIFIED GLOCKS: Aftermarket parts such as the 3.5 pound connector and springs that lighten the trigger pull do not effect the safety, but if you have altered the trigger mechanism to shorten the stroke or remove “take-up” slack the safety might not work and I will have to remove that feature.
When you restrict the trigger stroke on a Glock pistol, and use it for self defense carry, you are creating a great danger if you are ever caught in a high pressure situation. I do not recommend any trigger that shortens the reset or removes all the slack from the trigger. The slack is there for your and others safety.
Removing slack is great for competition pistols, but not for self defense. If you intend to carry your Glock for self defense the 5 1/2 pound factory trigger pull is the perfect pull weight in a combat situation. That’s what the majority of national and international police carry and that is what you should also use.
For a carry pistol, I strongly recommend you do not install a trigger bar such as the one which reduces the trigger pull to 3 1/2 pounds. This makes the trigger too light in a high adrenaline situation and could cause the post shooting lawsuit, to go against you. If you are using the pistol for “competition only” a three pound pull is great. But, in a life and death situation, it could cost you your emotional and physical life “after” the shooting.

Also an FYI, for those that feel that a manual safety on a Glock is a sacrilege, and/or unnecessary… here is the factory Glock that was submitted to the U.S. military for use by U.S forces. Note the Glock 19 MHS (Modular Handgun System) above, has a factory manual safety, with the ‘S’ and ‘F’ molded into the frame. Unfortunately these were not released to the public.

Also, above are Glock 22 gen 5 .40 cal pistols. Literally thousands of these were tested and sold in South America. These too have a factory manual safety, and are even ambidextrous. Glock apparently doesn’t think that a manual safety is a bad idea.

I ship by common carrier, UPS and FedEx. No international shipments. No sales to California, or where prohibited by law.

Gift Certificates are available for your convenience:

CONTACT ME: You may place an order, or ask any questions you may have here via email, or call 1-270-893-5808.